
Trailer Park Nirvana image created by Stefany Kleeschulte.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two Different Skies Bahia Kino October 15

The view southeast, toward town...

...and at the same time, the view northwest. Marching Man stops to ponder the sunset...

...then continues on.

He stops again at a truck waiting to bring a panga ashore.

Blue sky breaks through over Isla Alcatraz.

Just after the sun goes down behind Tiburon a truck launches a panga.

The fishermen head toward town.

The sky changing colors with their change in direction.


  1. Gorgeous, Annette! Has Kino been stealing Arizona sunsets? ;-)

    1. nope. but we do share those sonoran sunsets - only with a little water thrown into the mix.

  2. Quite gorgeous. We weer just talking about Kino this morning and how we'd like to work in a trip perhaps in January when our sons are with us.

    1. Kim, my daughter is hoping to come in january around my birthday (13th). it would be a blast if you guys were here at the same time.

  3. I love the changing skies! When I was there last, Cinda and I headed out to the end of shell beach with chairs and beer. Stayed until it was dark, watching that wonderful sky change minute by minute.

    1. you could post!!! maybe it's because i took off the word verification.

      yes, they are always changing and are different depending which way you swivel your head. i'd love to join you for beers on shell beach when you're here.
