
Trailer Park Nirvana image created by Stefany Kleeschulte.

Trailer Trash Transcription

Yes, I am a woman of many talents.

Do you have interviews you need transcribed? Are you a freelance journalist? Are you interviewing a family member for a memoir or a life story? Are you a writer who dictates your stories or books?

If so, having your audio files transcribed is easy. Just email your mp3 or other audio file, sit back and relax, then like magic a beautifully typed transcript will appear in your email inbox.

Other services offered are proofing and copyediting. This is especially useful for those of you with websites. It's surprising how many typos and other errors get missed. For instance, it takes a trained eye to catch that missing "L" in this official coal company document: "hardhats must be worn in all pubic places." (Thank goodness I caught that one before it went to press.)

For a quote send an email to (Ignore the phone number on the business card image. I turn off my cell while in Mexico.)